Thursday, November 1, 2007


Qn: Are the food and lodging provided?
Ans: Yes. Participants need to pay maximum of $300.

Qn: How many will be selected for the trip?
Ans: 18 students will be selected.

Qn: If our industrial attachment/placement coincides with the trip, are we still able to go?
Ans: Please make arrangements with your teacher-in-charge before signing up for the trip. Thanks.

Qn: Where will we be living?
Ans: In the village.

Qn: What are the criteria for selection?
- Good team player. Able to get along with others
- Respectful, responsible and mature
- Physically healthy
- Good positive attitude
- Able to take hardship
- IT skills, first aid skills and marketing skills will be useful

Qn: Are foreigners eligible for the trip?
Ans: Yes. But they will need to pay for the full fees as YEP only subsidies for local students.

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